Hollywood insiders claim: ‘Katherine Heigl is difficult, demanding, not worth it’

CEBU, Philippines - Katherine Heigl’s career and reputation in Hollywood are scrutinized as multiple film and TV insiders claim to The Hollywood Reporter (THR) that the A-list actress isn’t exactly a joy to work with.

One source who worked with the star on the 2010 film “Life As We Know It” described “desperately difficult situations” with Heigl on set. “She can cost you time every single day of shooting,” the source charged of Heigl, 34, who was paid $12 million for the film. “Wardrobe issues, not getting out of the trailer, questioning the script every single day.”

(The film’s director Greg Berlanti disagrees, telling THR: “I would work with her again in a heartbeat.”)

Making matters worse, says the source, was her mother and manager Nancy Heigl, who has worked closely with her daughter since her days as a child model. “I have never experienced anything like Nancy Heigl. It’s about the mouth. Whatever you’d say, you were an idiot. The call would be, ‘This is the worst craft service we’ve ever had! There’s nothing to eat! This is the worst wardrobe!’ You knew that every day, you were going to get slammed. The frustrating part is [Heigl] is incredibly talented and smart.”

“Life As We Know It” producer Denise Di Novi tells THR those accusations are “way exaggerated,” but acknowledges that both Katherine and her mom “are not shrinking violets. They’re very straightforward and tell you what they think.”

Another source tells THR that the pair made similarly outrageous requests for 2008’s “27 Dresses.” “There were movie-star demands: big rooms, the mother there, all the stuff. It was just a sense of entitlement. The biggest stars don’t do that kind of thing.”

One anonymous TV executive quoted in the story says that Heigl’s infamy is so bad that she was nixed as a potential lead in a new pilot. “On many levels, she would have been perfect for the role, but all of us said, ‘She’s not worth it.’” (FREEMAN)

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