Alisto! features Rampant theft

CEBU, Philippines - Rampant cases of theft and robbery have once again hit the metro. According to recent reports, a new breed of thieves has surfaced, pilfering not just gadgets and pricey belongings, but also petty and inexpensive things. This Thursday, GMA-7’s Alisto features CCTV videos of criminals stealing pencils, chairs, trousers, and even charcoal.

The episode also shows actual videos of robbers physically hurting their victims.

Meanwhile, the intersection of Ortigas Avenue Extension and Green Meadows in Pasig is considered a dangerous spot for motorists. Find out why this vicinity is considered accident-prone and how motorists could ensure safety while driving in the area.

Join Arnold Clavio tonight, July 11, in Alisto after Saksi on GMA-7.

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