The two Tribes of AI – plus one Tribe!

In a world increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence, a fierce debate rages between two contrasting philosophies: the “doomers” and the “accelerationists.” This divide has been highlighted by the recent tumult at OpenAI — and the outcome of this debate could significantly shape the future of humanity as we know it.

A battle of extremes:

The debate between AI doomers and accelerationists is coming to a head.

* Doom and gloom. So-called “doomers,” fearing a dystopian future, advocate for a significant slowdown in AI development. They worry about the existential risks for humanity, emphasizing safety and ethical concerns.

* Vroom vroom. Meanwhile, “accelerationists” are all-in for rapid AI advancement. They believe in harnessing AI to solve critical global issues and, in more extreme cases, envision AI transcending human existence, reshaping humanity itself.

I would like to add a third Tribe:

While I agree that we businessmen must focus on what’s happening on the AI side, I would like to see more focus in 2024 on the Common Good. I am aware that we need to stay competitive, but I would like to convince you to also focus on the common good which requires a balanced approach that considers both economic success and social responsibility. Here are some suggestions for actions you can take in 2024 to achieve this:

1.Embrace Sustainable Practices:

•  Implement environmentally friendly practices in your business operations, such as reducing waste, using renewable energy, and adopting eco-friendly technologies.

• Consider how technology can be used to address social challenges or improve the well-being of communities.

2. Prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

• Develop and implement a comprehensive CSR strategy that aligns with your business values and contributes to society.

• Implement policies that promote equal opportunities, support local communities, and contribute to social causes.

3. Continuous Learning and Skill Development:

• Invest in the continuous learning and skill development of your workforce to adapt to changing market demands.

• Support educational initiatives in your community to contribute to a skilled and capable workforce.

4.Ethical Business Practices:

• Uphold ethical standards in all aspects of your business, from procurement to marketing.

• Be transparent about your business practices and communicate openly with customers and stakeholders.

5.Collaborate with Stakeholders:

• Build strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to create a network that supports mutual success.

• Collaborate with other businesses and organizations to address shared challenges and contribute to the common good.

6. Data Security and Privacy:

• Invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data.

• Respect user privacy and comply with data protection regulations to build trust with customers.

Please remember that a long-term perspective is crucial for sustainable success. Balancing competitiveness with a commitment to the common good can lead to a resilient and socially responsible business. Please know the earth is careening towards climate disaster and governments are acting too slowly to avert it. The third tribe is needed!!!!

I hope you enjoyed the three tribes and will adopt some of the recommendations as you plan your business strategies for 2024. I am looking forward to your comments; please contact me at

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