Are we there yet? Peed Perspective

A few weeks back, I wrote about speed.  The biggest city in the country is strictly implementing the speed law, while the rest of the country has no idea how to go about it.  Or so I thought.  Events in the past weeks have made me realize that all it takes is a different point of view.  Aside from the speed limit, there are different topics about speed that I will point out viewed in an entirely different perspective.

First, let’s start with implementing the speed limit.  While the city with the tough as nails mayor is using speed guns to monitor the speed of all motorists, our very own province has found a unique but effective way to control the speed of all motorists.  What I first thought was piss-poor road construction, with all the potholes and uneven road surfaces, is actually a very effective way to slow down motorists.  I mean who, in his or her right mind, would zoom at speeds beyond 60kph on a stretch of road that would beat up your suspension like it went five rounds against the meanest mixed martial arts fighter.  Unfortunately, it’s the MMA fighter who wins all the time.  Road – 1 , car suspension – 0. 

I guess that’s why the main city, island city, kapitolyo city and the stallion city have roads that shame the roughest of sandpapers.  I figure their logic was, why spend on speed guns that we allegedly overprice when we can build terrible roads and slow down everyone else without having to hire additional inept traffic enforcers who won’t be able to figure out which end of the speed gun faces road side.

Second, there’s speed itself.  As we’re driving along the highways of the province, many motorists zoom at speeds of 100 kph in 60 kph zones.  If you look closely at the kinds of drivers who go beyond the speed limit, it is no surprise that these are mostly white demon, aka cab, drivers and prescription peddlers.  One group consists of totally illiterate individuals, while the other is composed of brain dead entities.  I leave it up to you to decide which belongs where.

Why have I come up with that conclusion, you may ask?  The answer is simple.  While they revel in the thought that they practically outrun every law-abiding four-wheeled motorist, they are fully unaware that they are actually breaking the law.  No person in their right frame of mind would wilfully break the law.  Unless they are fully aware of what they’re doing and continue to do so without regard for the safety of everyone else.  Now that is an entirely different story.  Those people should be required to drive through the speed trap roads of the cities instead of the highways.

Lastly, if slowing them down by limiting them to the dilapidated city roads won’t work, and you find yourself sharing a ride with one of these witless, reckless drivers, let them know that you appreciate the fact that they are running just about as fast as a racing car about to park.   You see, 100 kph is the speed limit in most racing pit lanes.  In a sense, their best effort is the slowest speed by which racing drivers trundle into their parking spots.  Make them proud enough to realize that, while they feel like speedsters as they hit 100 kph, real racing drivers consider it an agonizingly slow pace.

If they still don’t get it, tell them that in case they get tired of their current career choice, they have an option to pursue a career as a traffic enforcer.  Being brainless and being unaware of the law seems to be the basic requirement in becoming one.

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