Public relations society slates confab on Sept 27-28 in Bora

CEBU, Philippines - Communicators across the country are encouraged to participate in the 2013 National Public Relations Congress on September 27 to 28 at the Paradise Garden Resort in Boracay Island.

This is the first time that the annual event organized by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) will be held outside Manila.

Dubbed with the theme “Ripples to Waves: PR as Agent of Sustainable Change”, the two-day congress will be divided into six plenary sessions with expert resource speakers who have successfully influenced social change through their brand values. 

“Beyond image building and reputation management, PR can trigger and radiate new mindsets, and set in motion a wave of action toward sustainable change,” congress committee chairperson Charmaine Canillas said in a statement.

The opening plenary session will tackle on the strategic role of public relations in creating meaningful brand impact in human lives.

Businesses are believed to be less brand-centric and more public-focused to create a rippling effect of positive change.  They can be catalysts if they tend to veer away from spin doctoring, message manipulation and image window dressing.

The second session, on the other hand, shall focus on creating long-term value for today’s brands through public relationship rather than just purchase and preference.

Meanwhile, effective story-telling using today’s innovative tools and solutions will be discussed during the third plenary wherein panelists will share tips on how to develop online public relations strategies in this era of social media.

The second day of the congress will begin with a session on program monitoring and evaluation in which public relations practitioners shall learn about consumer feedback, content generation, stakeholder immersions and integrated communications as part of business strategy.

Resource speakers will then share how to reinvent the direction of enterprises for further sustainability during the fifth plenary session entitled as “360 Degrees—forget linear thinking.”

The 2013 National Public Relations Congress will then be closed with the last plenary session that shall focus on the issue of integrity among companies by aligning corporate social responsibility programs with communications and public affairs frameworks to add value to the business.  (FREEMAN)

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