Cat@lyst campaign names 15 finalists for IT innovation

CEBU, Philippines - Seeking to promote positive transformation for the society, Tattoo corporate social responsibility initiative Cat@lyst recently announced the 15 finalists pushing for innovative solutions and enhancing the potential of information technology.

There were a total of 119 entries from the socially-conscious and tech-savvy youth that vied for program development, mentorship and ICT support.

Only 15 were chosen as finalists. These include web and mobile app Bloodtype, diagnostic software Clinicali, web application, waste management application eTapon, mobile app FindMyDok, live feed Flare App, application Good Food Rescue, pregnancy module iNanay, two-way live interactive audio-video conferencing Prison Telepsychiatry, Bantay-Kalusugan SMS system Project Laan, online eco-conscious community Re-Store, e-learning app Teach2Read, online mechanism Time’s Up Tobacco, online platform and online database

Dong Ronquillo, head of Nomadic Broadband Business for Tattoo which is the main project sponsor, said that the positive turn-out of submissions of entries is a manifestation of the growing number of IT-proficient youth who aimed to make use of technology to benefit the community at large.

“True to the vision of Tattoo, we believe that this advocacy has harnessed the passions of our young Filipino techies as genuine catalysts of positive change in the country,” he stated in the company’s latest press statement.

The selection of finalists was based on the criteria on innovation, implementation feasibility, and Impact.

From the 15 finalists, five chosen entries will be awarded with P200, 000 cash grants to help put their ideas to actionable programs.

Global Shapers Manila Hub, ICT experts, development professionals and Globe BridgeCom officers will extend assistance in implementing the five solutions for a span of three months. It will also include the opportunity to be instituted as part of the regular programs of Globe BridgeCom.

Global Shapers Manila Hub current curator Lynn Pinugu said that campaigns like Cat@lyst enable young leaders to channel available technology for the welfare of the country and the world.  —/JOB (FREEMAN)

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