The grace of solitude

Solitude means different things to different people. Some view solitude as being in a lonely path. While others see solitude as a sort of freedom, of being able to enjoy the moment alone, and decide what to do with  one’s life. 

According to  Paulo Coelho in his new book,  Manuscript Found in Accra, “solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life. If you  are never alone, you cannot know yourself. The act of discovering who we are will force us to accept that we can go further than we think…”

I am reminded of the son of an acquaintance, who after enjoying what the material world could  offer,   decided to stay in the mountain to discover what he really wanted in life. After  living alone, he realized that what he really wanted was to be a monk. When he told his father about his intention, the latter felt that he was just wasting his life, especially that he was a medical doctor. But after a lengthy discussion with his son, he gave his blessings.

Some  of us  are afraid of  solitude. In this regard,  Coelho has this to say, “For those who feel oppressed by solitude, it’s important to remember that in life’s most significant moments we are always alone. Take the child emerging from a woman’s womb; it doesn’t matter how many people are present; the final decision to live rests with the child. Take the artist and his work; in order for his work to be really good, he needs to be still and hear only the language of the angels. Take all of us, when we find ourselves face-to-face with that unwanted  visitor, Death; we will be alone at that most important and most feared moment of our existence… Solitude is a human condition. For those who understand the miracle of life in  solitude can peacefully exists.”

In the same dimension , the declares,  “Sometimes life leaves us with no one around to share conversation and comfort, but it doesn’t mean one must exist unhappily. One has to adjust to the situation. These are  the following perspective to consider:

Look at the reason for the situation which puts you in solitude and do not give up finding a solution to the situation which allows you to return to a life among people. 

Find hobbies and pursue them.  Do some activities that can fill hours of  productivity such as painting, drawing or writing.

Listen to music. Music has long been recognized as a medium to give emotional boosts when a person is in a dark or gloomy mood. Find a genre of music that suits your taste.

Read. With a good novel, you may be alone in the room, but you can find yourself transported to strange and wonderful world beyond imagination.

Look after yourself. Keeping your grooming and hygiene at a good level will help self-esteem and thereby, increase your level of happiness.          Most of  all, being in solitude means being resourceful. You must keep some contact with the “outside” world in case of emergency.

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