Top cockfighters gather anew in World Slasher Cup at Araneta

In this photo taken on August 26, 2022, roosters fight during a cockfighting match at the San Pedro Coliseum in Laguna province.
AFP/Jam Sta. Rosa

MANILA, Philippines – The world’s finest cockfighters converge as the World Slasher Cup stages its second edition this year from May 24-30 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum as part of its momentous 60th anniversary.

The six-day event is expected to draw the top breeders not just from across the archipelago but also the planet including winners of its first edition early this year.

“We are expecting the biggest and most respected names in the field to join us for the second edition of the World Slasher Cup Invitational Nine-Cock Derby this 2023,” said organizing Uniprom, Inc. chief operating officer Irene Jose.

“Join us for nail-biting action and non-stop excitement,” she added.

The event launch set at the Gloria Maris at Gateway Mall was mode more special with the attendance of last year’s Binibining Pilipinas Intercontinental Gabrielle Basiano.

The event will kick off with a two-cock, two-day elimination on May 22 and 23 to be followed by the three-cock semis scheduled the next two days before the meet takes a much-needed three-day respite.

Then action resumes with the four-cock pre-finals on May 29 and the four-cock grand finale on May 30.

In the first edition, Cali Dreamers Lagitik, Jonah, SFVM Sagupaan King Cutter, Mulawin I, and Thunderbird II emerged the best of the best after winding up with 8-1 win-loss records.

The same extraordinary league of winners is expected to see action again in the second offering for another shot at glory.

“We’re sure that cockfighting fans, as early as now, are anticipating the outcome so we’re expecting an epic showdown of the titans,” said Jose.

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