Quinones, Dizon blaze way to victory

MANILA, Philippines — John Dizon dominated Round 1 and Miguel Quinones ruled Round 2 as they stole the thunder from pre-race favorite Bianca Bustamante in the back-to-back kickoff legs of the 2019 Petron Blaze 100 GP Super Karting Series before a huge crowd at the Palawan International Circuit recently.

Dizon, karting’s 2018 Golden Wheel awardee from Edgesport Racing, showed up Bustamante in the two qualifying heats before topping the 19-lap final around the 1.2-kilometer Puerto Princesa track in 19 minutes and 44.207 seconds to clinch the ROK GP overall and senior titles.

The reigining Asian Karting Open junior champion Bustamante, now campaigning in the senior class of the six-leg annual series sponsored by Petron Corp., followed Dizon home after 15.206 seconds, with Quinones finishing third, another 6.088 seconds farther adrift.

But Quinones, a junior entry, made up for his laid-back showing in Round 1 with devilishly sleek driving in the next day’s Round 2, which he topped by 19.291 seconds over Jennifer Tumambing with a time of 19:45.203.

Anthony Junior Baisa took the Master class title by coming in third overall, 43.487 seconds off the pace, with Bustamante conking out in the 14th lap with engine problems.

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