Superal, 2 others gain US girls matchplay

MANILA, Philippines - Princess Superal slowed down with a 72 but gained the No. 4 seed at the close of the 36-hole stroke play qualifier in the US Girls’ Junior Championships at the Forest Highlands Golf Club in Flagstaff, Arizona Tuesday.

Superal, who fired a two-under 70 in the opener but stood in the fifth, made two birdies to negate the same number of bogeys and finished behind low medalist Angel Yin of California, Marijosse Navarro of Mexico and Hawaii’s Mariel Galdiano at 142.

Yin sizzled with a 65 to run away with the low honors with a 131 while Navarro wound up No. 2 with a 136 after a 66 and Galdiano took third place at 141 after a 72.

Yuka Saso, the youngest member of Team ICTSI, also advanced to the knockout stage with a 145 after a 71, ending up at No. 17 for a first round match play duel with Nina Alexis, also of California.

Sofia Chabon rallied with a 73 after a 76 for a 149 as she made it to the 64-player cast at No. 47. She will slug it out with Hannah O’Sullivan in the first round of the knockout phase.

Superal’s match play opponent has yet to be named with six players still fighting for the last four berths in playoffs at presstime while Pauline del Rosario missed the cut by one with a 151 after a 76.

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