Arellano University Chiefs

Arellano University can surprise everyone and play well. They are a year older with some of last year's newbies like Keith Agovida and Zach Nicholls getting their feet wet in seniors ball. If Agovida can be less tentative and become a slashing and creative force, he will help point guard Nard Pinto who seems to be the only guy who can create for teammates.

Prince Caperal is back for one more fling and he needs to be dominant inside (and not on the bench because of foul trouble). Not sure if Ice Ciriacruz can replicate his deadly form of years ago. If he does, they will have scoring sock from the wing.

This squad should count on Nichole Bangga, Julius Cadavis (it's now or never, son), Levi Hernandez and Jiovani Jalalon.

The onus on this team is for them to be that – a team. One that cannot only spread the wealth points-wise but to get everyone in the act. If they can be unselfish, they will be a serious challenger. – Rick Olivares


  1. Agovida, Keith Jasper M.
  2. Bangga, Nichole John B.
  3. Cadavis, Julius Salvador T.
  4. Caperal, Prince Renmer B.
  5. Ciriacruz, Isiah B.
  6. Enriquez, Allen S.
  7. Gumaru, Donald G.
  8. Hernandez, Levi M.
  9. Holts, Dioncee M.
  10. Jalalon, Jiovani N.
  11. Nicholls, Zachary James C.
  12. Ortega, David E.
  13. Palma, Christian Mari G.
  14. Pinto, Nard John V.
  15. Salcedo, Ralph Chrysler A.

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