NLEX ready to take over Air21 franchise

MANILA, Philippines - Air21, in its lineage, is bowing out of the Philippine Basketball Association after only three seasons.

MPIC-NLEX and the Bert Lina Group are expected to announce in the next few days the former’s purchase of the Express franchise.

“I will not deny we’re in serious negotiation with them. The ball is in their hands,” said Lito Alvarez, Air21’s representative to the PBA board.

Alvarez didn’t disclose, however, how much the franchise would cost but expects a better offer following the team’s impressive playoffs showing this season.

Earlier, NLEX team manager Ronald Dulatre said they would disclose the identity of the ball club that they’ll be purchasing at the end of its campaign this season.

Originally after a PBA expansion right, NLEX dropped the plan with hardly any chance to form a competitive team from the expansion and rookie drafts.   

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