DFA official voted to PNSA board

MANILA, Philippines - Patrick Chuasoto, special assistant of Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario, was elected to the board of the Philippine National Shooting Association during the PNSA elections in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City recently.

Chuasoto will represent the pistol aggrupation in the 15-man PNSA board, along with multi-titled shooting champion Nathaniel Padilla and his brother, Donald Padilla.

Col. Danilo Gamboa is the new PNSA president.

Chuasoto previously held several top positions in various United Nations bodies during his tour of duty at the Philippine Mission to the United Nations in New York, such as alternate representative to the United Nations Security Council in 2004-2005, chairman of the United Nations Committee on Conferences in 2008 and Rapporteur of the United Nations Administrative and Budget Committee from 2008-2009.

Chuasoto took up the sport in 1983 and competed internationally in the 1993 Shooting World Cup in Seoul and 1994 Southeast Asian Shooting Championships in Kuala Lumpur in the air pistol and free pistol events. He also served as range officer in the 1991 SEA Games and the 1998 SEA Shooting Championships both held in Manila.


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