Milo Champ Camp reaches out to school kids

MANILA, Philippines - To enable more children to participate, Milo has brought its sports clinics to schools in a yearlong interactive sports program dubbed the Milo Champ Camp.

The Camp teaches grade school pupils the fundamentals of three of the most popular sports in the country–basketball, soccer and softball–while providing a setting that encourages them to interact with other kids, promote self-esteem, patience and confidence, among other values important in sports and in life.

Participants are initially divided into three groups supervised by a pool of selected coaches and trainers.

The Camp is scheduled to visit at least 700 schools, including 542 public schools, this year, touring not only Metro Manila and neighboring provinces but reaching as far as Southern Mindanao. It has so far completed 65 percent of its scheduled stops.

By December, the program will have reached out to around half a million children across the Philippines.

The Camp ushers in its final quarter with a media conference tomorrow at the Ponciano Bernardo Elementary School in Quezon City, with Milo champion athlete and national basketball team skipper Chris Tiu as guest.

“The Milo Champ Camp aims to encourage school children to get into sports and help them learn the character-forming values that come with it,” Yvette Papasin, Milo marketing promotions and events executive, said in yesterday’s PSA Forum at Shakey’s UN Ave.

“This enables them to get into sports as a starting point into living a healthy and active lifestyle. After experiencing the Champ Camp in their schools, the kids may eventually decide to get involved in serious and proper training in the sport of their choice,” Papasin added in the public service program backed by Shakey’s, Outlast

Battery and Pagcor.

Aside from the Champ Camp, Milo has also put in place a program helping parents develop a deeper understanding of sports and nutrition for their kids, holding sessions on nutrition focusing on the daily needs of children and essential ingredients in their food.

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