Cycling leadership row imperils SEAG stint

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Olympic Committee continued to be beset with NSA disputes as it refuses to recognize the leadership of three national sports associations, including cycling whose participation might be sidetracked in this year’s SEA Games in Laos.

In a POC General Assembly marred by a walkout by badminton president and former First Lady Amelita “Ming” Ramos, POC chief Jose “Peping” Cojuangco insisted that only the POC has the authority to send athletes to the SEA Games.

This came after the Asian Cycling Confederation directed the POC to coordinate with Abraham Tolentino, the other cycling group head, in the formation of the Laos-bound national squad.

“We cannot be dictated upon, we will not surrender our rights to these foreigners,’’ said Cojuangco during yesterday’s POC assembly meeting at the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City.

“The authority to send athletes to the SEA Games still belongs to the POC,” he said.

This developed as equestrian chief Carissa Coscolluela said she will write the International Olympic Committee to inform it of the POC’s decision not to recognize her group as the legitimate NSA.

“I am the one who should be representing the EAP (Equestrian Association of the Phils.) and it is very unfortunate that the POC continues to make its judgment and decisions based on personality and not on merit, and certainly not on the principles of sportsmanship and fair play,” Coscolluela said in a statement.

Coscolluela’s group is recognized by the International Equestrian Federation although Cojuangco has refused to yield the EAP reins.

Cojuangco had previously asked the FEI for an explanation of its decision.

But in a letter from FEI CEO and sec-gen Alex McLin, the FEI official cited the absence of elections since 2007, the Olympic Charter, the FEI Statues among others as to its decision to recognize Coscolluela as the EAP president.

To help settle the issue, Coscolluela extended an invitation to Cojuangco to become EAP’s honorary chairman so “he can continue to participate in whatever equestrian-related initiatives he may be interested in.”

Mrs. Ramos, on the other hand, walked out in protest over the POC recognition of the badminton group led by former RP team coach Errol Chan.

Ramos insisted the Philippine Badminton Association under her wing is the only governing body of the sport in the country today with international recognition.

The POC also recognized John Arenas as the new Gymnastic Association of the Philippines.

ACC president Hee Wook Cho recently sent a directive to the POC to consult with Tolentino with regard to the formation of the national cycling team.       – Joey Villar

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