Indonesian champ heads foreign bid in WWWExpress Amateur golf

The WWWExpress-DHL National Amateur Golf Championships goes international for the second straight year with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Korea joining the hunt for top honors in the event unfolding Feb. 10 at the north course of the Canlubang golf complex in Laguna.

Rizal Arya, the reigning Indonesian Amateur champion, is expected to hit town on Feb. 9 in time for the event that also features Bacolod-based Koreans Jae Woo Yang, Sung Won Park and Yu Soung Su and Ji Hyun Lee, a protégé of local pro Rey Pagunsan.

With Malaysia and Singapore also sending their entries, the battle for the championship is expected to be fierce both in the individual competition and team play in the 14th staging of the four-day tournament sponsored by WWWExpress and DHL.

WWWExpress chairman Rod Feliciano said the presence of foreign players will help raise the level of play in the tournament and at the same time motivate the locals to dish out their best.

He actually invited all the SEA countries to the event, particularly in the team competition, dubbed as the RVF SEA Cup, a separate 54-hole tournament where the top two scores of the three players will count.

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