Hope Christian has hope

For several seasons now, Hope Christian High School has been the whipping boys and has gone through an agonizing 22-game losing streak.

All the heartbreaks vanished last week as Hope Christian High hammered out a 62-50 win over St. Jude Catholic School in the 39th Yakult Metro Manila Tiong Lian Basketball Association.

The breakthrough victory has propped up the morale of coach Senen Duenas and his wards who are now looking forward to a better finish in the tournament supported by PG Flex Linoleum and Outlast Batteries and aired over Makisig Network Sky Cable channel 76 and 82.

One of the architects of the win was Alvin Monzon, a fourth year high school student on his final year in the Tiong Lian tournament. The 5-9 Monzon, who is set to take up Food Tech in college, is a torrid shooter from beyond the three-point arc. He is an avid fan of reigning PBA MVP KellyWilliams.

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