Pages smother Staglets, rule Petron boys volley

University of the East trounced San Sebastian, 25-23, 25-21, in the finals to capture the Petron Treats Boys’ Volleyball League Season 2 crown at the Arellano gym in Legarda over the weekend.

Jerome Eugenio, Sherwin Decalay and Michael Reyes combined for 24 hits, including 12 kills, to lift the Red Pages to the victory.

“The boys played well but we really prepared hard against SSC,” said UE coach Rod Roque.

On its way to the finals, UE downed last year’s champion Canossa Academy, 25-16, 24-26, 25-19, while SSC survived La Salle-Lipa, 25-16, 24-26, 25-20.

La Salle brought down Canossa , 25-23, 25-21, to clinch third place honors in the league organized by Metro Sports and backed by Shakey’s Pizza, Toby’s Sports, Dunkin Donuts’, Mikasa and Asics and sanctioned by the Philippine Volleyball Federation (PVF).

On hand during the awards rites were Freddie Infante, league’s organizer, Edouard de Castro, Petron account sales executive, Jessamyn de Leon, Petron advertising and promo executive, Deng Tabucol, Dunkin Donuts’ marketing services manager.

Other awardees were Roque, best coach, Niel Flores, most improved player (Ateneo); Emerson Reyes, best libero (SSC); Jerome Eugenio, best receiver (UE); John Kevin dela Vega, best server (DLS-Lipa); Sherwin Decalay, best setter (UE); Mhelvic Biscocho, best blocker (Canossa Academy); Michael Reyes, best attacker (UE) and Patrick Rojas, MVP (SSC).

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