Red Bull sends Fonacier to SMB for three players

Larry Fonacier has found a new team in the PBA.

After playing two seasons with Red Bull and winning the top rookie honors in 2005, the former Ateneo Blue Eagle is moving over to San Miguel Beer in exchange for three players.

The three players initially offered or sought in exchange for the sweet-shooting Fonacier are Chris Calaguio, Francis Adriano and Fil-American Brandon Cablay.

“In principle, it’s done,” said a source, which refused to divulge further details, adding that an official announcement will probably be made tomorrow.

“If there will be any changes, it’s with any of the three players from San Miguel,” he added. Representatives from the two teams met yesterday in Makati.

Fonacier, the No. 14 pick of the 2005 draft, is leaving behind former Ateneo teammates Magnum Membrere, Rich Alvarez and Paolo Bugia at Red Bull.

Alvarez, Bugia and Membrere have fresh contracts with Red Bull. Fonacier’s contract with Red Bull just recently expired.

But by joining San Miguel, Fonacier will reunite with Ateneo teammates Enrico Villanueva, formerly of RedBull, Wesley Gonzalez, formerly of Air21, and LA Tenorio, an SMB draftee.

Another former Ateneo players in the San Miguel lineup is Olsen Racela. Head coach Chot Reyes, on loan to the RP team, is also a former Blue Eagle.

Red Bull coach Yeng Guiao welcomed the development, saying his team has managed to survive despite the departure of quality players through the years.

“We’ve survived even though we lost a lot of marquee players in the past. The system has remained competitive. It’s the system and not the players,” Guiao said.

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