Empire King, Cover Girl renew feud today

Will Empire King retain his title as the country’s best galloper? Or can Cover Girl avenge her defeat during their last bout on the same track? The answer will be known today as they clash anew in the P1 million Philracom "Commissioner’s Cup", held in honor of former Philippine Racing Commissioner Francisco "Coco" Cayco at the San Lazaro Leisure Park in Carmona, Cavite.

Empire King, to be ridden by JM Ladiana, and Cover Girl, with JB Hernandez on board, have four wins against each other are set to engage in a fiery battle for the top post over a distance 1,750 meters.

Also joining the hunt for the top prize of P600,000 are Chariot of Fire (RC Baldonido 54), Free Wind (DH Borbe Jr 56), Ghurka (VR Dilem 56), Moab (PR Dilema 54), Paramount (JT Zarate 54), Scrap of Gold (ES Aguila 56), Shadowfox (FM Raquel Jr 56), Speed O’War (AB Alcasid Jr 56) and West Bound (EF Salvador 56).

"The commission is honored to sponsor this event in honor of former commissioner Cayco. We have invited him to be the event’s guest of honor and join the "bayang karerista" in today’s grand celebration at the SLLP," said Philracom chair Jimmy Dilag.

MJCI chairman and CEO Alfonso Reyno Jr. said the event is in honor of Cayco " who had contributed a lot in the upswing of the horse racing industry."

The runner-up takes home P225,000 while the third and fourth placers will win P125,000 and P50,000, respectively. Ramon Romualdez

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