Jaworski looms as top bet for PSC chair

This should keep Butch Ramirez on his toes as officer-in-charge of the Philippine Sports Commission.

President Arroyo, according to a reliable source, did not appoint a new PSC chairman because the position had been and is still reserved for Robert Jaworski.

The source said the President wants Jaworski, known as Philippine basketball’s "Living Legend," to occupy the position recently vacated by former swimmer Eric Buhain.

Jaworski ran for senator under the administration ticket last May 11 but failed to make it. The source said the post of PSC chairman was then offered to the 58-year-old sportsman.

Under the law, a person who ran for public office can only occupy another government position, especially as a Presidential appointee, one year after the elections.

"After May 11 this year, Jaworski can hold a government position. I think that’s the reason why Ramirez was only appointed OIC," said the source.

He added this could be the only reason why the President, despite a long list of candidates for the post of PSC chairman, did not make such appointment.

"The President wants someone who can forge a harmonious relationship with the Philippine Olympic Committee. And she thinks Jaworski is the man," said the source.

Jaworski’s eldest son, Robert Jr. or Dodot, is married to equestrian Mikee Cojuangco, a daughter of newly-appointed POC president Jose "Peping" Cojuangco (his term ends in 2008).

Dodot, who briefly played in the PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) alongside his father, was elected congressman in Pasig during the May elections.

"What more can you ask for? Jaworski at the PSC and Cojuangco at the POC being in-laws," said the source.

"Of course, there will be differences in opinions. But this relationship between the two gentlemen would go along the President’s wish," he added.

Ramirez, a PSC commissioner for five years now, received his appointment paper as OIC only last Thursday from Buhain, the new chairman of the Games and Amusements Board (GAB).

The paper dated Jan. 4 was signed by Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita whose daughter, Eileen, a congresswoman from Batangas, is married to Buhain.

There was no mention how long Ramirez would serve as OIC although another source said that the President wants Ramirez in charge of the PSC for "three to six months."

"But in our country, a lot of things can happen. Ramirez can probably do a very good job and be appointed chairman himself. Or Jaworski can take over anytime after May," said the source.

But at least for now, Ramirez will have to be on his toes – performing the functions of the PSC chairman and hoping that he’ll be there to stay.

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