Gordon approves tourism tie-up with Asian athletics

Literally giving it the much-needed shot in the arm, Tourism Secretary Richard Gordon, speaking through Undersecretary Rolando Reyes approved yesterday in principle the tie-up proposed by athletics president Go Teng Kok in hosting the 2003 Asian Athletics Association meet in September.

In a meeting held at the Shangri-La Makati Hotel, Go, who sought an audience with Gordon, was met enthusiastically by Reyes who said, "Mr. Gordon is very much interested to help in making the country’s hosting of the Asian meet a resounding success."

Reyes was elated to hear that the tournament would bring together all 44 member-countries of the Asian Athletics Association, formerly called the 4A’s (Asian Amateur Athletics Association). Go informed Reyes that many foreign dignitaries, like the princes of Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia, members of parliaments and ministers will come to Manila to savor Philippine hospitality.

Reyes quoted Gordon as saying that the Tourism Department will join in the sports endeavor to make sure the foreign delegations would be comfortably billeted and secured in hotels within the vicinity of the Rizal memorial track oval where the championships will be staged.

"We will also design tour packages for all sports delegations to enable them to see places and people," Reyes quipped. He appointed Ma. Corazon Jorda-Apo, DOT’ special events division chief, as the point person for this particular undertaking.

"We will also tap the Hotels and Restaurants Association of the Philippines which will be very happy to give all delegates discounts and other amenities." The DOT official, in-charge of Tourism Promotion, said a memorandum of agreement is all that is needed to make the partnership official.

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