Alabang queen of ladies golf

Alabang Country Club capped its resurgence as a power in local ladies golf by winning the 2002 WGAP Cup after a month-long series, in the process foiling Sta. Elena’s bid for a third consecutive crown.

Recalling their top guns to active duty, the Alabang ladies proved to be the team with a more balanced lineup in the match play series played in three different courses, piling up eight points against the 5.5 points of Sta. Elena and Villamor.

Manila Southwoods wound up fourth with five points in the culmination of a year-long competition including an eight-leg circuit that served as the eliminations.

It was Alabang’s first major victory in almost seven years, their last being a grand slam of local titles in 1995.

The members of the team are Melanie Vilar, Joan Morales, Lorna Tabuena, Marjorie Lopingco, Finina Gorres, Kathy Ong, Maridith Limjoco, Tina Javellana, Merlie Garcia, Ofie Carlos and Lolit Arguelles. Sharon Haesslein is team captain while Eden Hamilton is tournament chairperson.

Alabang kicked off its campaign with an unprecedented four-match sweep in the first stage at the Langer course of the Riviera Golf and Country Club. They firmed up their lead in the second round played at The Country Club and cruised to victory in the tough east course of Wack Wack.

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