RP chessers stamp class in world tilt

Karl Victor Ochoa ripped Marcos Camacho of Spain in the fourth round to barge into the top 10 in the Boys‘ 10-under division in the World Youth Chess Championships in Oropesa del Mar, Spain.

The 10-year-old Ochoa from Bulacan attacked Camacho’s kingside relentlessly and went on to fashion out a 28-move victory in their Ruy Lopez game, his second straight victory for a 3.04 card after four rounds of play.

NM Oliver Barbosa of Cainta, Rizal blasted Argentina’s Fabio Roisman in 35 moves of an English game to likewise post his second win and remain in contention in the 18-under category with 2.5/4 points.

WNM Catherine Pereña of Del Rey School in Caloocan City bounced back from a sorry setback in the previous round as she stunned local bet Belinda Vega Gutierrez in 33 moves of an Orangutan Opening in the girls’ 16-under class.

Joaquin Banawa, San Beda’s top player, likewise outclassed Lithuania’s Kestotis Labackao in 31 moves of a French Defense for an even score of 2.0/4 points in the boys’ 14-under division.

Meanwhile, Youth Team Philippines’ top bets IM Mark Paragua (boys’ 18-under), NM John Paul Gomez (boys’ 16-under) and WIM Arianne Caoili (girls’ 18-under) settled for draws and remained in the top 10 of their respective age divisions.

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