Lina guest in Mindanao sports summit

Interior and Local Government Secretary Joey Lina will be the guest speaker during the opening ceremonies of the first Mindanao Sports Summit which starts Monday in Davao City.

Lina will be introduced by Philippine Sports Commission chairman Carlos "Butch" Tuason, who will also formally declare open the summit.

Over 150 governors, mayors, provincial and city sports coordinators and other sports leaders are expected to attend the summit, which the PSC is conducting under the theme: "Advancing Sports in Mindanao - Vehicle for Peace and Unity".

PSC commissioner William Ramirez, who comes from Mindanao, said the summit is in keeping with the thrust of the new administration under President Macapagal-Arroyo to bring Mindanao back into the center-stage of socio-economic development.

"The summit output shall serve as the backbone of the formulation of policies in Mindanao and the crafting of a more realistic and sustainable sports program," Ramirez said.

Ramirez added that the summit will serve as a launching pad for sports for peace program and a venue to identify talents for the Mindanao Games, the national pool and the BIMP-EAGA (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asia Growth Areas) Games.

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