WBC says no to Espinosa bout here

The World Boxing Council has ruled out the possibility of holding the WBC featherweight bout between Filipino Luisito Espinosa and Mexican Guty Espadas April 14 in Manila.

This was revealed by Games and Amusement Board chairman Dominador Cepeda Jr. who received the information by phone from WBC chairman Jose Sulaiman.

Speaking at the weekly sports forum of the Philippine Sportswriters Association at the Holiday Inn, Cepeda said that when President Joseph Estrada instructed him to arrange the staging of the bout in Manila, he immediately informed Sulaiman at the WBC headquarters in Mexico the next day to find out if anything could be done about the change in venue.

"Sulaiman called me back to sadly inform me that the 'door had been closed' and there was no way for the venue of the fight could be altered," said Cepeda, who said he informed the President that same day of the sad news.

Sulaiman, however, assured Cepeda who quoted the WBC supremo as saying: "If Espinosa is in top shape, he will have no difficulty in knocking out Espadas."

He also wondered out loud where Luisito's manager, Boots Aniel, was "since she should have been the one taking charge of the welfare of her boxer."

Cepeda disclosed that the WBC has informed him that well-respected American referee Richard Steele will be the third man in the ring while compatriots Chuck Hazzard and Marty Denkins were among the judges named to officiate the fight in Merida, Mexico.

At the forum sponsored by Agfa, Red Bull and McDonald's, Cepeda likewise took exception to the charges of the Espinosas that he failed to announced the purse bidding earlier.

"The purse bidding was on Feb. 8 and as early as Feb. 4 all local major newspapers were already announcing it," said Cepeda, "so I fail to see the reason why the Espinosas could not have known."

As for their claim that he wanted only to tag along whenever the couple paid courtesy calls at Malacañang, Cepeda reminded them that the Espinosas, in fact, were the ones who approached him to arrange a visit to the Chief Executive so they can present their trophies.

"Theyre' barking at the wrong tree," said Cepeda of the Espinosas' claim that he failed to arrange the Manila bout.

"As the government agency regulating, among others, professional boxing, the GAB cannot initiate or solicit financial support on behalf of managers or boxing promoters. Baka ma-Ombudsman tayo," said Cepeda at the PSA forum at the Holiday Inn Manila.

"There is a right way of doing things. There should have been a formal proposal by the promoters or managers, before the GAB can act. This was done in the past during the first battle of Manila Bay. It cannot do anything on its own initiative," added Cepeda "I never received any written proposal from the Espinosas."

Mariecherie, Luisito's wife and business manager, had accused Cepeda of not helping them in seeking an audience with President Estrada who could have helped in raising funds so the championship could be staged in Manila.

"But how could I do anything when they did not have any formal plan that we could present?" Cepeda asked.

In fact, the couple were finally able to get in touch with Estrada, who rang up Cepeda late Thursday to see if the title bout could still be salvaged and held in the Philippines.

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