374-year-old church in Loboc set for repair

TAGBILARAN CITY, Philippines – Representative Arthur Yap (3rd district, Bohol) has secured P500,000 from Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile for the repair of the convent’s roof of the 374-year-old St. Peter, The Apostle Parish Church in Loboc town, Bohol’s second oldest church and one of the national historical monuments.

Yap also is now working with the senator for a possible allocation of P200 million to P250 million for the repair of the entire church which has now shown the years.

Bishop Leonardo Medroso of the Diocese of Tagbilaran narrated that he had once mentioned to the congressman the dilapidated roofing of the church. Few months passed, he already got the check of P500,000 recently for the purpose.

Yap turned over the money to Medroso in a simple ceremony at Elijah Retreat House in Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary Complex in Taloto district of this capital city. Parish priest Fr. Andy Ayco and Fr. Felix Silagan of the Loboc’s church joined Medroso and Yap in the turnover rites and they later discussed future plans to repair the church. 

Medroso has targeted to have the roof repair done by December this year with Enrile and his son, Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile, set to grace the public presentation event.

The allocation of the budget for the church repair came up when Sen. Enrile asked Yap, in one of their meetings in Manila a few months ago, what were the projects the latter had in mind for his district in Bohol that the senator could support.

Yap mentioned the repair of Loboc Church and Enrile immediately issued the check, with Yap asked for time to coordinate with Medroso about it.     

The next step now is to push for the inclusion in the national budget, an allocation of about P250 million for the repair of the entire Loboc Church. — (FREEMAN)

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