Chatto calls for united actions in Central Visayas Ric V. Obedencio with EDCom

TAGBILARAN CITYaa  - Bohol Governor Edgar Chatto said that, in his first meeting as chairman of the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) held in Cebu City recently, he called for unity among member-provinces and law enforcement agencies to combat cyber crimes and human trafficking, illegal drugs and gambling, and other pressing concerns of the region.

"This will be our guiding principle for peace and security, business and commerce, food security and tourism in the region", Chatto said.

The meeting was attended by Cebu Governor Gwen Garcia, DILG-7 director Pedro Noval Jr, Police Regional Office-7 director Ager Ontog, PDEA-7 director Adrian Alvariño and Bohol Police provincial director Constantino Barotamong, among others.

They also discussed the financial status of the RPOC besides talking at length concerns over human trafficking and cyber crimes victimizing a rising number of women and minors by international crime syndicates for pornography and other forms of exploitation.

Chatto called for a coordinated approached to combat this menace, which with the onset of computer-related crimes are now getting world-wide attention, especially from the United Nations.

"Unity and cooperation are the pillars and strength of the RPOC and we will need the partnership of all sectors to put a stop to this global menace which is now encroaching the region and enslaving our women and children," he said. 

In Bohol, the governor supported the Provincial Youth Development Council, which recently had its strategic planning on the matter. "The youth needs to be part of governance and have a great responsibility for shaping up development in their areas", he added.  

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