WATCH: Reptile expert exposes unethical animal skinning

SINGAPORE — Luxury items like bags, belt and other clothing are essential to most rich people whatever the cost – even if it means sacrificing lives of millions of animals.

A reptile expert from Singapore Zoo explained that just to meet fashion industry demands, people cruelly kill animals for their leather, fur and wool, just to name a few.

Snake is just one of the animals being hunted and killed for its skin – all in the name of fashion.

RepTopia, a dedicated area in Singapore Zoo, is a home to over 60 species of reptiles and amphibians like Amazon milk frog, bearded dragon, dyeing dart frog, emperor scorpion, frilled lizard, gaboon viper, king cobra, leaf-tailed gecko, madagascar day gecko, panther chameleon, plumed basilisk, royal horned lizard, reticulated python, veiled chameleon, western diamonback rattlesnak and Yangtze alligator. — Video by AJ Bolando


Editor's note: The tour to Singapore was hosted by Wildlife Reserves Singapore to promote tourism in the area. At no stage does the host organization have a say on the stories generated from the coverage, interviews conducted, publication date and story treatment. Content is produced solely by following editorial guidelines.

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