8 Koreans nabbed for cybercrimes

MANILA, Philippines - Eight Koreans were arrested during a raid on a house in Quezon City Monday night for their alleged involvement in cybercrimes against their countrymen.

“We have been receiving complaints from members of the Korean community in the country that the suspects were reportedly engaged in computer hacking and boiler room operations and victimizing Koreans who are based in Korea and those who are already living in the Philippines,” said an officer of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Reaction Arrest and Interdiction Division, who requested anonymity.

Oh Seung Hwan, Eom Jeong Hwan, Jang Juhyun, Jeon Min Su, Yoon Young Jin, Seo In Jae and Kim Ki Hwan have been in the Philippines for 10 days to three months, except for Cho Myeong Il, who has been in the country for about two years, the NBI said.

Investigators said the suspects allegedly sell products online and use the buyers’ credit card information to secure loans from banks. They also reportedly sell non-existent stock market shares.

An insider said that when the raiding team entered 49 Queensland street in Vista Real Village, the suspects were transacting with clients and the house “was like a call center. There were several laptops and telephone units.”

The Koreans were detained in the NBI jail and charged with violating Republic Act 10175, the anti-cybercrime law, with the Quezon City prosecutor’s office.            

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