Shoe design workshop set

MANILA, Philippines - International shoe designer Brian Tenorio will share his valuable insights during the “Workshop on Conceptualization Techniques,” a shoe design seminar that will be held at the Exhibit Hall of the Marikina Convention Center on July 10.

He will share tips and techniques, design analysis, philosophy and applied values essential in making innovative and fashionable shoes.

Participants at the workshop, sponsored by the city government of Marikina, are representatives of shoe manufacturing companies.

Tenorio, 2005 semifinalist of the Harvard Business School’s Entrepreneurial Idol and recipient of Pratt Circle Award for Academic Excellence 2010 from the Pratt Institute in New York, is designer consultant for the World Health Organization, executive producer of “Design Para sa Lahat” and founder and chairman of Designers for Development.

He has been sharing experiences, skills and talent among fellow Marikeños, especially among those working for the shoe industry.

Marikina Mayor Del de Guzman, who comes from a family of shoemakers, expressed his pleasure for the support of Marikeños like Tenorio who have been sharing knowledge over the years to help revitalize the shoe industry.

“Such workshop will help provide our local shoe manufacturers the additional know-how, which can be utilized to further enhance the image of Marikina-made shoes,” he said.

Aspiring shoe designers like Arizol Abad of Barangay Concepcion Uno said he is eager to attend the workshop and learn from the expert.

“I really admire Brian Tenorio’s creativity and artistry in shoe designing. I really would like to learn from him,” said 19-year-old Abad.


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