Pinoy filmmaker tops multimedia tilt

Young filmmaker Nash Anggahan receives the grand prix award for his video “Water.”

MANILA, Philippines –  Out of more than 600 entries from different countries, OBRA Philippines’ Nash Anggahan’s entry won the grand prix for his video “Water.” Under this year’s theme, “ASEAN·Korean Cities: Urban Culture and Green Life,” Water centered on the polluted Pasig River. In the film, Nash depicts the irony of being industrially progressive and yet unmindful of environmental concerns.

Runners up in the video category are Janice Chandra from Indonesia and Nazar Syafiq bin Nazri from Malaysia. Photography category and Korean winners were also declared. Winners flew to South Korea for the multimedia workshop held from Dec. 13 to 16 at the Seoul Arts Space Mullae in the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, Mullae-dong. The awards ceremony followed on Dec. 17 at Gallery Jinsun in Palpan-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Successfully launched last year, the ASEAN-Korea Center again organized the same competition this year with the help of the following sponsors:  ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information (COCI), ASEAN University Network, Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, and Gallery Jinsun. Its goal is “to provide a channel of exchanges and to enhance mutual understanding between the young generation of ASEAN and Korea through new media.”

The ASEAN-Korea Center is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to promoting economic and socio-cultural cooperation between ASEAN and Korea.

Last year’s winner in the photography category was Jophel Ybiosa, a Filipino photographer and Nash’s friend.

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