Bigger than cancer

When I asked Bobbit Suntay, director of Carewell Foundation, how the Carewell golf tournament went, he said that a guy who has cancer won the tournament. I was intrigued – who is this guy?

Eventually I met with Jun Sarmiento over coffee. He didn’t look sick. He looked healthy, and was upbeat. I was curious to find out about his life, his attitude, his mindset, his heart. If I can understand him, maybe I can learn from him how he succeeds in spite of the threat to his life.

Even as he faced a major operation the next day, he had no trace of nervousness. He was calm, positive, encouraging.

He said that he and his wife work as a team. His wife Jean researches on his condition and does all the talking with the doctors about his medicine and treatment. She lets him focus on his job of having fun and enjoying life – eating, laughing, going out with friends, being with his family.

Jun is a positive man who exudes a love of life. This could be why he has taken life’s challenges with grace.

He even helps individuals with cancer improve their golf game. He encourages beginners to play and just enjoy the game. Together they walk and take in the view. They chat and laugh. Being together and supportive of each other was the goal of their game.

He uses golf to help cancer-stricken individuals cope with their illness. Exercise, laughter, and good company are his ingredients for a healthy life. He is a person focused on others, not on his situation. Most importantly, he realizes that life is bigger than cancer. No illness can stop a man whose life purpose is to serve and make others’ life better.

Those who talk to Jun will notice that he laughs easily. He even seems carefree. However, underneath all that, I feel a strength of character, a lightness of demeanor, and a peace that comes from knowing that whatever happens, he is in the right place.

He understands that to live fully in the present, one has to make peace with his past, including everyone who has touched his life.

Jun taught me that the choice is always ours to make. Thus, out of this personal conviction, his illness – instead of causing chaos to his life – has given him inner peace and strength.

After accepting the turn of events and entrusting everything to God, he knows he can handle whatever comes.

This guy is one of the most upbeat, positive, inspiring persons I have ever met. Playing golf, meeting friends, motivating others in his circle of influence – he simply loves life. This is his secret to living life to the fullest, whatever the odds. Winning life’s battles is, after all, like winning in golf – just relish the experience and make the most of the moment.

Jun had his second stem cell transplant last March. He is well, playing golf, he remains happy and content as he continues to say his little prayer each night asking God for more chances to share his life with whoever needs help. Life goes on.

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