Recurring blood clots more likely in men

MANILA, Philippines - People who have had a life-threatening blood clot are at high risk of having another. And men are four times more at risk than women.

Blood clots are dangerous. It leads to stroke, heart attack or even sudden death. Treatment usually includes taking blood thinning medicines (anti-clot) but long term use of these powerful drugs may cause bleeding problems. As soon as it seems safe, doctors wean the patients off them.

However, a study conducted at the University of Vienna, Austria, showed that five years after the withdrawal of the blood thinner, the likelihood of recurrent blood clot was 30.7 percent among men and only 8.5 percent among women. These findings lead to a debate on current practices to prevent a second blood clot.

The new dietary supplement, Plasmin capsules, presents hope for these individuals who are more likely to end up with a stroke or heart attack. Plasmin capsules, now available in the Philippines, contains Lumbrokinase 250mg which is actually three clot-dissolving enzymes namely collagenase, profibrinolysin activator and fibrinolysin, that work in synergy to dissolve blood clots. Plasmin being 100 percent natural, is free from side effects and can be safely combined with medications for hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

 Clinical studies have proven the benefits of Plasmin in patients who are likely to have blood clots like those with diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Among them: reduction in numbness and dizziness, recovery of sensation and function of the arms and legs, improvement in breathing and speech, reduction in blood pressure and chest pain, reduction in blood sugar and cholesterol levels and increased physical energy.

Plasmin is BFAD approved and USFDA certified and available at Mercury, Watson’s and all leading drugstores nationwide. It is exclusively marketed by SEA PHARMACOM, INC. For inquiries, call tels. 894-2932, 894-2667 or 0919-6250944 or visit

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