A father. A mother. A nation: How a wedding created a legend

August is the month of Ninoy and Cory Aquino. The nation grieved when Cory died last August 1, 2009, with thousands trooping to the Manila Cathedral for the final rites. As president, Cory mused: “So long as I was not disturbing or making life difficult for others, I thought that was okay. Until I realized I can do more. That I have to give more of myself for what I believe will be good for the country.”

Ninoy, for his part, unwaveringly declared: “The Filipinos is worth dying for.” The nation denounced his imprisonment, exile, and return in 1983 only to be shot by still unknown assassins, with millions of mourners joining the funeral cortege. Shortly thereafter, how the world marvelled at the bloodless revolution! Through those years, Ninoy and Cory had each become a legend.

Their legend began when Ninoy, the son of Senator Benigno Aquino and Doña Aurora, and Cory, the daughter of Don Pepe Cojuangco and Doña Demetria, exchanged marriage vows. From the union, daughters Ballsy, Viel, Pinky and Kris were born, and only son Benigno III (Noynoy). Since having been elected President in 2010, P-Noy has trodden his father’s path: Daan Matuwid. After the inglorious martial law regime, P-Noy keeps imploring his countrymen to take that path – the only path – towards a glorious future.

N.B. The above title and the Cory quote come from the doco-musical currently showing at Meralco Theater. The wedding photos, re-produced by Manny Fernandez, belong to my lovely, long-time friend Conchitina Sevilla Bernardo.

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