What is MCA-P?

MANILA, Philippines - MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT – PHILIPPINES (MCA-P) is a government-owned and controlled corporation created to manage the Compact between the Philippines and the United States. A Board of Trustees oversees the functions of a Management Unit and is responsible for evaluating and approving major decisions of MCA-P. The Board is currently chaired by the Secretary of Budget and Management and vice chairman is the Secretary of Finance with the Secretary of Social Welfare and Development and the Secretary of Public Works and Highways sitting as members. A Stakeholders Committee was also created to provide a mechanism for the government to continue the consultative process in implementing the Compact projects. The MCC Resident Country Director sits as Permanent Observer in the Board.

The Management Unit is headed by a Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, supported by a Deputy Managing Director for Operations and Deputy Managing Director for Administration and Finance, a General Counsel, and a team of hardworking and dedicated professionals.

For more information about MCA-P, please visit www.mcap.ph

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