Steps to spiritual renewal

In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire.”     Hebrews 1:7

Want God to revive your spiritual life? Here are the steps on the path to renewal:

Step 1: An awareness of your need for revival.

Step 2: Repentance and confession, which are two sides of the same coin. It’s humbling to acknowledge indifference, coldness and sin in your life.

Step 3: Prayer of humility. It is this that restores the warmth of God’s presence. When God set the conditions for revival, He began by saying, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray...”

When revival came to Wales in 1904, a man came, seeking the secret to this awakening. “I have journeyed into Wales,” he said, “with the hope that I may glean the secret of the Welsh revival.” The shy, introverted Evan Roberts who largely played a part in this movement replied, “My brother, there is no secret: Ask and ye shall receive!”

Step 4: Simple obedience to God. This sometimes means making things right with others. Giving up anger and bitterness and following the dictates of Scriptures.

Step 5: A commitment to holy living. When God gave the conditions of spiritual renewal, He included “turning from your wicked ways” as part of the price we must pay to find renewal in our spiritual life.

If your heart cries out for the reality that comes through knowing God, stop playing games and tell God, “Yes, that is how I feel. I want to know You, Lord.”

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