India as the Common Bond

Dressed in her native sari, Indian Ambassador Navrekha Sharma hosted a dinner for departing Venezuelan Ambassador Milena Santana Ramirez whose new post is India. Guests were both Venezuelan neighbors from Argentina, Brazil, and hispanic Cuba, and from the Asian region close to India, e.g. Sri-Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and the Philippines, e.g. Consuls Ramon Ilusorio, Fortune Ledesma and DFA’s Ariel Abadilla. Journalists Glenn Gale and the author completed the guest list. The honoree, who has stayed here for almost six years, was being wined and dined night after night–an indication of the legions of friends she’s leaving behind.

Madame Sharma’s Indian chef prepared enticing epicurean dishes, thoughtfully placing the spices in tiny saucers (to be used or not, according to the guest’s preference). The hostess exhibited a wide knowledge of Indian cuisine, explaining, for instance, that the grains of glutinous rice stick together, those of the non-glutinous do not.

Lively, stimulating dinner talk with the hostess and Ambassador Mario Schuff covered a lot of topics including golf and travel, this encompassing customs and traditions of various lands. Incidentally, the hostess exhibited an amazingly deep knowledge of history and culture.

In her toast, Madame Sharma praised Madame Ramirez for her expert diplomacy while imparting valuable information on India. The honoree, for her part, exhibited surprising conversance with Indian culture, making allusions to Gandhi and Tagore.
* * *
A totally contrasting dinner was hosted by columnist-designer Rikki Jimenez for long-time friend Bibsy Carballo, artists’ manager, journalist and director, Summer Nature and Arts Camp for Kids. Bibsy was celebrating her birthday and Rikki, the perfect host, took care of every detail–from menu to decor–at the Cosa Nostra.

As to be expected of media, informality characterized the occasion, with concert director-design professor Manolet Garcia, Alyansa Agrikultura’s Ernie Ordoñez, Princess Cruise’s Eve Cayaban, stage-tv actress Adriana Agcaoli and stage actor Yutaka Kamakawa enlivening the affair.

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