A Splendid Start

When Ambassador Tomas Rodriguez-Pantoja hosted his first-ever reception, attendance was so large, guests–eager to meet the personable, highly cultured, theater-oriented envoy–kept coming for a whole hour. Francisco and Vicky Delgado, Francisco and Becky Gomez de Llaño, Lani and Conchitina Bernardo, Fr. Gabriel Casal were among those spotted, with the gracious host saying a word or two to each visitor.

Guests spilled out to the terrace and lawn, and as they engaged in small talk, waiters quickly served them wine and typical Spanish delicacies. As I left, the line was still there!

An equally splendid start for newly-arrived Ambassador Irit Ben-Abba was the 53rd Independence Day Celebration of Israel she hosted at the Mandarin Oriental ballroom. The mammoth crowd included US Chargé d’ Affaires Michael and Karen Malinowski, Counsellor Michael Anderson, Tony and Mita Rufino, Ramon Ilusorio and scores more.

Cocktail fare was so widely assorted, Assistant Banquet Service Manager Troy Conine had his hands full–literally.

In her speech, Mme. Ben-Abba gratefully mentioned Quezon for his having opened RP’s doors to Jewish refugees during the war. An Israeli folk dance was so vigorously interpreted by a native group, the audience felt like dancing.

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