A healthy lifestyle choice

MANILA, Philippines - Keeping oneself healthy is a matter of choice.

Five male Cohen’s Lifestyle Program graduates are living proof that staying healthy mostly depends on one’s life choices.

At Serendra’s Mesclun Bistro, men showed off the slimmer figures they achieved by choosing to involve themselves in the Cohen program, a rapid weight loss and wellness solution through nutrition based on a person’s unique blood profile.

By putting their heart to the program, these male Cohen graduates lost so much weight, a feat that is easier to attain for men than for women. Cohen’s Lifestyle Centre Philippines director, Dr. Angela Rodriguez-Bandola, attributed this to men’s higher percentage of lean muscle, which means they have a higher metabolic rate.

Bandola adds that when men gain weight, the fat becomes almost always concentrated around their abdomen, which is correlated with increased risk of cardio-metabolic diseases.

The men who recently underwent the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program included film and TV commercial director Richard Ang, 38, who lost 80 lbs. from 280 lbs. in four months; business development manager Miguel Zozobrado, 27, whose weight was down to 175 lbs. from 255 lbs. in five months; 45-year-old banker and surgeon Armando Bonifacio who lost 50 lbs. from 200 lbs. in four months; and 22-year-old businessman Anton Barandiaran who proudly shed 108 lbs. off his 294-pound body in seven months. But the biggest weight loss story was that of 31-year-old IT specialist Francis Salazar who used to weigh 325 lbs.; now he weighs 168 lbs. after eight months in the program.

All five extolled the program’s lifestyle approach to weight loss. Under the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program, food becomes the medicine, which has to be taken in precise dosages. The key is the scientific and individualized formulation of the program, based on the person’s biochemical profile, and the intake of natural, healthy food to correct the hormonal imbalance in obese individuals.


(For best results, consult your doctor.)

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