WATCH: Mindanao rattled by powerful quake within days of last tremor

MANILA, Philippines — Residents of Mindanao once again experienced a powerful earthquake on Thursday morning, just two days after a magnitude 6.6 tremor hit the region.

Videos taken by Xie Poy Rabi Gorith and Ryan Ontoy, a hotel in Kidapawan—the capital of North Cotabato—nearly collapsing from the earthquake.

Residents evacuated to open spaces following the quake. Rescuers were deployed as some people are believed to be trapped in damaged buildings.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said the magnitude 6.5 tremor was recorded at Tulunan, North Cotobato at 9:11 a.m.

READ: 6.5 magnitude quake jolts Mindanao, 2nd powerful tremor in a week

Not an 'aftershock'

Phivolcs Science Research Specialist Erlinton Olavere said this could not be considered an aftershock of the Tuesday magnitude 6.6 earthquake since they almost have the same magnitude.

The Thursday tremor was also felt at various intensities as high as Intensity VII or "destructive" shaking.

Intensity VII was recorded in Tulunan, North Cotabato, Kidapawan City and Bansalan, Davao del Sur while Intensity VI (very strong) tremors 

were felt in Matano, Davao del Sur.

The Phivolcs Intensity Scale indicated that trees are shaken strongly and old or poorly built structures suffer considerable damage during earthquakes with Intensity VII.

RELATED: WATCH: Videos show how magnitude 6.6 quake rattled various parts of Mindanao

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