WATCH: 'Roma' neigborhood in Mexico City celebrates Oscar wins

People watch the 91st Academy Awards ceremony on a screen at Rio de Janeiro Square -- the Roma neighborhood which inspired the Mexican movie "Roma" -- in Mexico City, on February 24, 2019. The celebrated movie "Roma", which has already won the Golden Lion at Venice, two Golden Globes and four awards at the Critics' Choice Awards, has been nominated for 10 Oscars for the upcoming 91st Academy Awards ceremony.
AFP/Rodrigo Arangua

MEXICO CITY, Mexico — Hundreds of neighbors, gathered in a square in the Roma district of Mexico city which inspired the celebrated film by Alfonso Cuarón, jump from their seats, applaud and shout to celebrate each of the three Oscars clinched by Alfonso Cuaron's love letter to his 1970s childhood, including that of the best director.

Mexican actress Yalitza Aparicio, "Roma" is Mexico's first indigenous woman to earn a best-actress nomination for the Oscars. She is a native of Tlaxiaco, in Oaxaca state, Mexico.

Cuaron's intimate family drama starred by Aparicio, "Roma" triumphed at the Oscars on Monday (Philippine time), winning for best foreign film, best director and best cinematography. 

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