Simple acts of kindness

I liked very much the article by Roger Rosenblatt, “This year, make a resolution about something bigger than yourself” published in The STAR on Dec. 29-30.

It is true that most of the time, making New Year’s resolutions like losing weight or exercising (the most common resolutions and probably the most unfulfilled too) hardly last more than a month.

I am going to take Mr. Rosenblatt’s advice and make resolutions that do not benefit only I-me-myself. I am starting with very simple things, like always saying “Salamat po” even for the smallest of favors, like security guards opening the door for me, or waiters serving food.

I will bring my reusable ecobags when I go shopping at the supermarket and I will have everyone in my household be more mindful of recycling by re-using and even upcycling as much as we can. It’s a matter of being creative.

Even though Angat Dam’s water level is high and we are assured of enough water for the dry season, I will practice water conservation measures, and electricity conservation as well (the aircon doesn’t need to be on all night long). These are not only responsible use of resources, they will benefit my wallet as well.

I can’t save the world, I can’t stop the war in Gaza or Ukraine, but I can be kind to people around me, and in however small ways, I can perhaps help lighten someone’s burden and make his/her day a bit brighter.

All this may sound corny and parang Hallmark card, but I guess if we could all do just little bits kindness and goodness, it could make a difference, and make this new year a better one. I think this is a resolution worth making, and keeping. – Ma. Inez Dela Cruz, Bulacan

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