Free again?

Once again, it seems that crime does pay – at least, if it is crime committed against the government, and thus against the Filipino people.

And our legislators – specifically senators – are letting the suspects go scot free, not having to account for their misdeeds and practically laughing all the way to the bank/s, probably offshore banks at that.

Only nine senators signed the Blue Ribbon committee report on the Pharmally investigation, two short of the minimum requirement of 11 for it to be entered into official Senate records.

So what happens now? Again there is no conclusion, no closure, no accountability, no one answering for the millions – billions? – lost to corruption. The perpetrators and their backers in government all enjoying the luscious fruits of their misdeeds, their luxury vehicles that mysteriously appear in their garage, the fat bank accounts. All while our people were suffering under a merciless pandemic, getting sick and dying, our health workers taking shifts until near exhaustion and often, sadly, getting infected themselves, millions without means of livelihood… The early days of the COVID pandemic were terrible times; how could people even think of taking advantage of the situation for profit?

So, another scandal is consigned to the dustbin of our political history – wrongdoing forgotten, perpetrators forgiven, all’s well with the world?

Each administration vows at the beginning of – and even during – their term a war against graft and corruption. Warnings are given with much bluster and thunder: grafters watch out, your days are numbered, we will go after you, you won’t get away with it, you will be made to pay for your nefarious activities.

Really? How many scandals have we witnessed, through several changes of administration? How many of those involved in the scandals are in jail? Maybe some small fry have been convicted, but the so-called “big fish?” They’re still swimming – splashing happily in their wealth.

The ending – or rather, non-ending – of the Pharmally investigation in the Senate leaves a really bad taste in  the mouth. For shame! – Shirley M. Santos, Quezon City

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