
Years before Maynilad and Manila Water took over from MWSS we used to holler mid-shower TUBIG!

How easy many of us forget we finally had clean water running through our pipes when the two water companies took over from MWSS, and invested billions of pesos to re-pipe and manage our water supply in the Metropolis. Water is essential and does not cost much as part of our household expenses. We should holler about other things like fuel and electricity.

Our Filipino household food budget is reportedly 40 percent of the family income. The cost of rice and pork is what we should complain about too. Add to that the lack of job opportunities, horrendous traffic, etc.

The contracts with Maynilad and Manila Water might have been tilted in their favor to convince them to take over from MWSS and assume the latter’s foreign debt.

Who in the future will touch government-guaranteed contract with a 10-foot pole and throw good money after bad?

It is not the fault of business to be given concessions by government more than others; government negotiators did not come to these agreements with blinders. Now, we fear that the time is not far, as some congressmen have already started to think seriously about it, the water supply will be given back to a government agency, like MWSS again.

I’d rather pay a little more than usual than have no water again and shout mid-shower: TUBIG! – M.K. TAN, CRL, UP Diliman, QC

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