Thoughts to guide us by(For August 2019)

A physician said that 35 to 50 percent of sick people are ill because basically they are unhappy. Emotional ills sap energy, deteriorates health, siphon off happiness causing gloom and depression that militate against creative life processes.

Conditions in life are created by our thoughts that are far more powerful than conditions create thoughts. As Marcus Aurelius, a great thinker, said, “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes of mind. Flush out the old, negative, worn-out thoughts. Replace them with new, positive, creative thoughts of goodness, love, faith. Do this consistently to remake your life.

Negative thoughts yield negative results. Positive thoughts yield positive results. So when our minds habitually think of failure, hurtful, unhappy thoughts ... reverse the mental process by thinking peace, prosperity, success, happiness.

Believe and succeed – for as we think, so shall we be! Change circumstances in your life ... think differently ... think, breathe, speak, and act POSITIVELY!

Peace, good health, safety and abundance to us all!

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