Thoughts to guide us by (For July 2018)

Depression affects 3.3 million Filipinos! The antidote to depression is a happy, positive mindset. When one laughs, endorphins – the body’s natural feel-good hormones – are released, making a person feel good and happy. “A merry heart doeth good like a good medicine.”

Laughter Yoga lifts depression! It helps participants feel good, happy, positive, healthy. Laugh, take things in stride, and focus on the positive – to better appreciate what and how we are, bearing in mind that challenges, trials and difficulties – like rains and storms – are passing seasons of life.

Laughter lifts the spirits! Couple with deep breathing, voila, you feel better! Hoho –haha-ing is a good stress buster, good for the overall well-being. Any rhythmic movement of the diaphragm overhauls the mood, makes one feel better. Positive chanting, complete with body movement, make cobwebs crowding the mind banished, mood reversed, outlook positive, and feeling much better.

Laughter Yoga is the best, fastest, easiest, stress-and-depression buster! It reduces cholesterol level, clears air passages, boosts the immune system, brings down stress level, and cultivates positivism. Laughter Yoga exercises are doable anytime, anyplace – to banish worries and everything that bugs the mind. As you read this now – laugh! Hahaha!

Peace, laughter, abundance to us! - Elvie Punzalan-Estavillo,

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