Would you not do the sane thing? Ninoy

Ninoy Aquino said, “The Filipino is worth dying for.” He died for the Filipino.

Cory Aquino said, “The Filipino is worth living for.” She lived for the Filipino.

Their son, President Benigno S. Aquino III added, “The Filipino is worth fighting for.” He is now fighting for the Filipino.

When the Supreme Court declared some parts (not the whole as understood by many) of the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) unconstitutional, he told the Justices that he thought he was the doing right because it is no different to how the Justices disburse the Judiciary Development Fund (JDF).

Let us look into DAP.  What is it?

These are unspent budgeted funds called savings by various departments and agencies of the government. At first glance, these were saved from the budget asked for by the different branches of the national government approved by Congress. In practice, there are savings declared every year.

Why? Has the government really saved if there are savings? Are these returned to the government?

No, these are not returned to the National Treasury! Otherwise, their budget will be cut for the succeeding year. PNoy saw that excess budget is presented to generate savings that are given to employees as bonuses.

Is this practice right? At first glance and according to legal experts, this is legal and thus its continued practice is justified over the years.

Sure, it is legal but is it morally right? Why should they be the only ones to benefit from funds they asked for and deliberately did not spend? Why can’t it be used to address the needs of the Filipino people instead of lining their pockets?

Perhaps, this is what PNoy did with the help of his officials.

Wouldn’t you do the same thing if you were the President and presented with the foregoing facts? —Ernesto Angeles Alcanzare, Lead Organizer, YES FOR PEACE – Bayanihan para sa KKK


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