Rep. Haresco also a victim of fake SAROs

In the interest of truth and fair play, we write in connection with the series of articles written by Philippine STAR reporter Edu Punay relative to the ongoing probe by the NBI on the fake SAROs (NBI probe confirms fake SAROs from DBM, Dec. 28, 2013; DBM exec being probed over SARO, Jan. 6, 2013; Probers looking at SARO big fish, Jan. 7, 2014).

In all three articles, Mr. Punay repeatedly mentioned and singled out the name of Rep. Teodorico Haresco despite the fact that several lawmakers have similarly been victimized by the SARO controversy. In all three articles, Mr. Punay did not even bother to contact the Office of Rep. Haresco to verify his reports or give its side of the story. It is also apparent that Mr. Punay continue to rehash the statement he initially attributed to Rep. Haresco in his Dec. 28 article in the subsequent articles in an apparent attempt to discredit the name of Rep. Haresco.

In relation to the articles, allow us to clarify the following:

• We have no participation or knowledge in the faking of SAROs. The SARO is a DBM document and Congress has no participation in its preparation or issuance.

• There was a request made for a farm-to-market improvement/rehabilitation project in Barangays Cortes-Guanko-Oquendo in Balete, Aklan. This is only one of the 11 projects contained in the farm-to-market development programs indicated in the fake SARO identified for Western Visayas.

• We are not aware of the existence of the P161M fake SARO.

• When the NBI informed the office on the existence of the fake SARO from Western Visayas, we immediately cooperated on the probe.

Our office is also a victim in the proliferation of fake SAROs. We are not perpetrators here.

— ATTY. NORMAN G.O. TAYAG, Chief Political Affairs Officer of Rep. Teodorico Haresco Jr.

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