Thoughts to guide us by (For July 2013)

As we traverse the highway of life, we unavoidably encounter twists and turns, humps and bumps. The ride oftentimes is dizzyingly fast, at other times grindingly slow.  Even halting sometimes!

Take cover in our faith in the Almighty God — our infinite source of strength — when the ride is bumpy and grueling.

And to lighten our load, make our journey easier and happy, spice it up with lots of laughter.  For laughter does us good like instant medicine! It is a comforting, easy way in our quest for a healthy, happy, positive life.   It can help change our attitude… though life’s circumstances remain the same. It is free, and the best there is! It is an-easy-does-it therapy that can rev up our bodies, lift and sparkle our spirits, and buoy our hopes. The fastest and easiest way to wipe away our blues and lift depression.

A light, happy heart prolongs life, and makes every day a great, happy day – for us and for people around us… Waste not a day…laugh! For “a day without laughter is a wasted day.”

Peace and abundance to us all!!!

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